Making Rooms Appear Larger

Carter Living Room Set by Carter

For many of us, living in small spaces is not a luxury, but a necessity. If relocating isn’t an option, dealing with the close quarters is a situation we just have to live with (no pun intended).

Many thanks to designers who, through years of experience and innovative thinking have developed ways to get the most out of small rooms and even make them appear larger.

For starters, consider the color of the walls. Aside from clutter, dark colors are the primary factor in a room feeling small and confined. Using whites, neutrals or light pastels for the wall color will instantly lighten up the space. In general, a lighter color palette for the space will ensure the open feel flows throughout the entire space.

A neat trick for the walls is to paint the border and moldings a lighter color than the wall itself. This will make the darker wall appear as though it were being pushed back, giving the room a 3D effect.

If bold, darker colors are more your speed, use them for smaller accent pieces. Large items like drapes, sofas and carpets should be lighter. Then place darker accent pillows, lamps, art, etc. to make the space pop.

Furniture arrangement also plays a key role in a room’s openness (or lack thereof). Placing larger pieces of furniture at an angle manipulates they eye and also allows the space around it to be utilized as well. This trick works because diagonal lines seem feel longer than straight ones. It also forces the eye to focus on other elements besides the limiting corners.

There are a number of ways to make a small space feel larger. Experiment with tried-and-true techniques until the perfect one for your space is discovered.